In each themed episode, six contestants belt out the biggest hits from that genre while being judged by a vocal analyzer comparing their...
Latest TV Show
Beyond Scared Straight – Season 4 (2020)
‘Beyond Scared Straight!’ will once again show young offender intervention programs, only these have evolved since...
Intervention – Season 6 (2020)
This reality television show features all different types of addictions (drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, etc) and real people living with...
Ancient Aliens – Season 3 (2020)
Science and mythology – and how they are the same thing. Were ancient humans really behind some of the most important technological...
Taco Chronicles – Season 2 (2020)
A journey through the colorful and varied world of Tacos. Many of the most popular taco styles have long, rich, little-known histories...
Izzy’s Koala World – Season 1 (2020)
Follow 11-year-old Izzy and her veterinarian mother as they rescue koalas and form remarkable friendships with animals on their Australian...
Close Enough – Season 1 (2020)
A stoner couple in their 20s deal with life situations in LA with their friends such as raising a daughter, fighting a loose possum in...